Thank you, Karen Pickering, for your contribution to the Guardian.
The views you express from your vantage point are in keeping with the views that many Americans hold as well. Currently, we are suffering from a disease confined for the most part by geography, political affiliation and values. This disease was first seen decades ago by a group of very attuned Republicans who, over thirty or more years, consciously and with intent nurtured its development (read American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips).
Much has been taken out of our systems to ensure that over time ignorance would abound and the leadership of exalted figures would prevail, at all levels of government and within such seemingly obscure groups as boards of education. These innocuous groups are rewriting the text books for millions of children, altering history and science to fit their dogma.
To this day, we spend more than five times what China spends on military and more than the next 16 nations combined, all of whom are allies or bit players. (
We spend less on our children than those same nations who, like China, India, and even Kenya are increasing spending to grow and nurture the health, education and overall well-being of their children. They see their actions as INVESTING in the future.
Corruption is rampant here, with politicians shills for corporations, working for their personal benefit at the expense of the nation's future. It is time again for Americans to say "enough is enough" and take our country back. We have a history of doing that, and it is once again time we reassert our rights.
The views you express from your vantage point are in keeping with the views that many Americans hold as well. Currently, we are suffering from a disease confined for the most part by geography, political affiliation and values. This disease was first seen decades ago by a group of very attuned Republicans who, over thirty or more years, consciously and with intent nurtured its development (read American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips).
Much has been taken out of our systems to ensure that over time ignorance would abound and the leadership of exalted figures would prevail, at all levels of government and within such seemingly obscure groups as boards of education. These innocuous groups are rewriting the text books for millions of children, altering history and science to fit their dogma.
To this day, we spend more than five times what China spends on military and more than the next 16 nations combined, all of whom are allies or bit players. (
We spend less on our children than those same nations who, like China, India, and even Kenya are increasing spending to grow and nurture the health, education and overall well-being of their children. They see their actions as INVESTING in the future.
Corruption is rampant here, with politicians shills for corporations, working for their personal benefit at the expense of the nation's future. It is time again for Americans to say "enough is enough" and take our country back. We have a history of doing that, and it is once again time we reassert our rights.